Objective Analytics, Independent Insights.
Unrivaled neutrality in marketing measurement.
The unbiased marketing measurement is more important than ever for making well-informed and effective decisions. As big market players face increasing scrutiny for antitrust violations and tendencies toward self-attribution, the demand for an independent measurement partner who can provide objective insights without favoritism has intensified. This era calls for a steadfast commitment to unbiased data collection and analysis to safeguard against the risks of market manipulation and to ensure competitive fairness.
At Exactag, we recognize that the integrity of your marketing strategies hinges on the reliability and neutrality of your data. We stand as your guarantee of impartiality, ensuring that your marketing decisions are based on data that is untainted by the biases often introduced by larger conglomerates. Exactag is dedicated to upholding the highest standards of neutrality, serving as your trusted advisor in a landscape where data integrity is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge.
Data you can trust.
We do not rely on data from other providers but meticulously collect data firsthand. We collaborate closely with each client to identify, gather, and structure the exact data needed, crafting a unique, comprehensive, and clean database.
We collect the most detailed data from every channel and publisher (read more) .We use inputs from data clean rooms, micro-aggregated data collection and publisher APIs to ensure granular and complete data for the best performance measurement for every market. This approach offers an unmatched, objective, and comprehensive view of your marketing in a single source of truth.

Objective methods for unbiased marketing insights.

We ensure the equitable treatment of all data by providing an unbiased, cross-channel analysis. Our answer is a best-of-breed approach to attribution. We apply the best analytical techniques and algorithms tailored to each data source and type, ensuring that our analysis is free from bias and accurately reflects your marketing performance.
By employing advanced multi-touch attribution models, we can precisely determine the contribution of each touchpoint in the customer journey. This method goes beyond the simplistic single-touch attribution models, offering a more comprehensive and fair evaluation of your marketing efforts.
Long-standing independence without favoritism.
Exactag’s commitment to neutrality is rooted in our long-standing independence from agencies and big tech companies. Our independence guarantees that our insights and recommendations are driven solely by the data, not by external interests or partnerships. This dedication to neutrality enables us to deliver trustworthy and reliable insights, empowering you to make informed and effective marketing decisions. This unique position allows us to truly act as your partner, prioritizing your best interests above all else.

Clarity in every step: total transparency.
We don’t expect you to take our word for our unbiased marketing measurement; instead, we provide full visibility into data collected and the analytical methods employed in our processes. You have access to all your data. Moreover, our comprehensive legal assessments ensure that all processes not only meet but exceed industry best practices and legal and compliance standards, providing you with the confidence to move forward and ensuring you have all the information you need to make informed decisions.
Explore the Exactag difference
We invite you to schedule a free virtual meeting with our experts to delve deeper into our solutions and discover how you can benefit from unbiased and independent marketing measurement.
With Exactag, you’re not just making decisions based on data — you’re making decisions based on data you can trust.